Pramesh Modi

Founder, Head Coach

Give me your commitment, and I will train you to embrace victory over yourself. They call me the Dronacharya of tennis for a reason.

My records that
have set records


years of coaching


students trained
to be players


players trained for state & national tournaments


players trained for international tournaments

What do I offer?

I'm not just a tennis coach; I'm your game's personal GPS system. I'll help you navigate the court, avoid unforced errors, and take the most direct route to success. I'm not here to reinvent the wheel, just to fine-tune it. Picture precision, power, and finesse—I'll help you become the architect of your own winning strategy. From perfecting your serves to refining your court tactics, let's set your game on the path to greatness together.

What my
students say?

"It is very difficult to note Sir’s contribution to my career in tennis, who has made me achieve the topmost goal of my life. He has been born in disguise, sent for me by the almighty."

Vaidik Munshaw,,
International Tennis Player

"Pramesh Sir is like God to me. Whatever I am today, it wouldn’t be possible without him. I am successful in my tanning career all because of his blessing and support."

Gitesh Awasthi,
Tennis Coach in Mumbai

"Pramesh sir’s guidance, his passion, and his caring nature make one feel like a part of the Ace family. He is the living proof of what one can achieve when they dedicate their life to it. I’ve been with Ace for 8 years now, and every day I look forward to going to Ace to learn and improve my game to become a better player and as good a person as Pramesh sir."

Khushali Modi,
ITF Ranked Tennis Player
